SUZUKI Junichi

  • SUZUKI Junichi
    Specially Appointed Professor
    Teacher Group:
    Public Communication and Journalism


Public Society

Class Content

You'd survey the 20th century social thought about "public and media" by attending this session.

You'll read thinker's several text about "public and media" at this session. The purpose is here to grasp their thought correctly and look for those modern significance and possibility. It's to achieve three next points that it's expected of you in the case.
1. Correct understanding of those thinker's problem setting and methodology.
2. Understanding of the thoughts which spread secondarily by those influence.
3. Original consideration about those validities in the present-day public society based on a case in detail.

Brief Outline of History & Achievements

Master of Arts, TOKYO UNIVERSITY, Tokyo(1991), Publicstins; Metapher und Meta-Denken(Sapporo、2010)etc.

To Personal Page on Hokkaido University's Researcher Directory

Academic Society Affiliations

Japan Information-Culturology Society, The Society for the History of Social Thought, Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik


Research Areas

public sphere, public communication, social systems, metaphor