SAITO Takuya

  • SAITO Takuya
    Teacher Group:
    Public Communication and Journalism


Media and Society, Public Communication, Media Literacy

Class Content

What role can the media and citizens play in the 'public sphere'?

The media play a social role based on rights such as 'freedom of expression'. Laws recognising these rights (so-called speech laws) have been in place for a long time, despite attempts to restrict them. In this course, we will combine lectures and literature readings to examine not only the process by which 'freedom of expression' and other rights have been recognised as constitutionally guaranteed rights in modern democracies, but also the role that the media and citizens can play in the 'public sphere' to protect these rights. You will learn to think about society in terms of the relationship between the legal and political system and the media.

Brief Outline of History & Achievements

He completed his doctoral studies at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Department of International Social Sciences, earning a PhD in 2014; he has been working in his current position since 2015. His major research works include Kanto ni okeru Rinri to Seiji [Immanuel Kant, Ethics and Politics: Way of Thinking, Civil Society, and Republic] (Kōyō Shōbō, 2019; for detail, see UTokyo BiblioPlaza: and “Kant on patriotism: ‘civic dignity’ and ‘way of thinking’” (Kato/Schönrich [eds.], Kant’s Concept of Dignity [Kantstudien-Ergänzungshefte/ Studies on Kant: Supplement Issues, 209], De Gruyter, 2019).

To Personal Page on Hokkaido University's Researcher Directory

Academic Society Affiliations

Japanese Kant Society, the Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought, The Society for the History of Social Thoughts, The Philosophical Association of Japan


Research Areas

Humanities & social sciences / History of Political Thought