The Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies has a student-edited and -published research bulletin, Sauvage. The first seven issues were planned, edited, and published primarily by an editorial committee of students with support from the graduate school. Sauvage is not merely a venue for publishing articles, but also serves to encourage students to actively debate their work in preview and review meetings to help them prepare for submission to scholarly journals. The bulletin is stored digitally on the Hokkaido University collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (HUSCAP) website for online publication. This program helps students learn practical skills essential for a researcher, including those for submitting to academic conferences and peer-reviewed papers, as well as publishing research papers on the internet. The skills learned through this program help many students go on to successfully give presentations at conferences and pushing themselves to submit to peer-reviewed journals. Sauvage contains research papers and notes as well as abstracts of master's theses and doctoral dissertations, allowing a comprehensive view of our graduate students' work.

Sauvage : Hokkaido University Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies Graduate Students' Bulletin

Sauvage14 : Hokkaido University Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies Graduate Students' Bulletin Sauvage15 : Hokkaido University Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies Graduate Students' Bulletin