Our Official Harassment Prevention System

In October 2016, the Research Faculty of Media and Communication and the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies at Hokkaido University established a Harassment Prevention Committee to address and prevent internal harassment. This page provides information on preventing harassment and harassment consultation.

Harassment Prevention Declaration

anti_harassment_declaration_20150410.pdf (134KB)

The Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, and Center for Language Learning adopted a Harassment Prevention Declaration on April 10, 2015.

Harassment Prevention Guidelines

anti_harassment_guideline_20160722.pdf (290KB)

The Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, and Center for Language Learning offers these guidelines, established July 22, 2016, for preventing harassment. They will be reviewed as needed, so please send any comments and suggestions to the Harassment Prevention Committee.

Harassment Consultation for Students of the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies

From November 2016, the department began offering an independent harassment consultation service for students at the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies (graduate students, research students, and credited auditors).

Using the Service

Please Apply by Email. You can apply and consult anonymously, so you do not need to state your real name or department. (However, fact of your enrollment with the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies will be confirmed at reception.)

・ The email address for reception is: ahc[at]imc.hokudai.ac.jp.
* Please replace the [at] with @ when emailing us.

・ Please include "Consultation Request" in the subject field.

・ Please do not include the details of your consultation in the application email.

・ Reception staff will ask what date, time, and counselor you would like, and then arrange your session.

・ Consultation request emails can be sent at any time, but responses can only be made during weekday working hours. It may also take a few days to fix a counselor, date and time.

About the Consultation

Committee harassment counselors and those who receive and coordinate consultation requests must maintain confidentiality. No information about the consultation, including names, will be divulged without consent of the one who requested consultation.

Members of the Harassment Prevention Committee

  • Tsuchinaga Takashi (Harassment Consultation Reception & Coordination)
  • Suzuki Junichi (Harassment Counselor from April 2020)
  • Tashiro Akiko (Harassment Counselor)
  • Saito Takuya (Harassment Counselor)

For Inquiries:

Please contact Tsuchinaga Takashi (tuti[at]imc.hokudai.ac.jp) with any questions about this page.
* Please replace the [at] with @ when emailing us.