2023年7月23日原 由理枝准教授の論文Daroo ka↑: the interplay of deictic modality, sentence type, prosody and tier of meaning. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory (2023)出版のお知らせ

本学院所属の原 由理枝准教授の論文が、Springer Natureから出版されましたのでお知らせします。記事末尾のSharedIt Linkから論文を閲覧することができます。

Hara, Yurie. *Daroo ka↑: the interplay of deictic modality, sentence
type, prosody and tier of meaning. Natural Language & Linguistic
Theory (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-023-09573-6


This study examines the interaction of the Japanese modal auxiliary
daroo with different sentence types and intonation. A detailed
investigation of daroo reveals an interesting paradigm with respect to
parameters such as clause type, boundary tone, tier of meaning and
pragmatic context. I propose that daroo is a use-conditional speech
act operator which asserts the epistemic knowledge of the speaker. The
proposal is formally implemented in the framework of inquisitive
epistemic logic. That is, daroo marks an assertion of an entertain
modality. A rising intonational contour is analyzed as a prosodic
morpheme that is paratactically associated to its host and functions
as a use-conditional question operator that renders a
truth-conditional declarative into a use-condition of question act. A
new composition rule that indicates how to interpret paratactically
associated use-conditional items is also proposed.

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